The Business Master (4th Edition)
The Business Master - 4th Edition.iso
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Please mail the completed form to: Shareable Software International
PO Box 59102
708-397-1221 (Voice) Schaumburg, IL 60159
708-397-0381 (Fax) 800-622-2793 (Orders Only)
215-623-6203 (BBS, Join Conference 77)
Where did you get your evaluation copy?
We ship first class/air mail.
Shipping name/address: ___________________________________
(Please print clearly)
Disk size: ____ 5.25 inch ____ 3.5 inch
(See: What You Get on Registration [next page] for details.)
___ Single-user registrations at $25 each..................$__________
(Disk & manual)
___ Multiple registrations (Disk & manual sets)............$__________
1 - 2 copies .................... Single-user price
3 - 5 copies .................... $22 each
6 - 10 copies .................... $19 each
11 - 15 copies .................... $15 each
15+ copies .................... $12 each
___ Site-License (Master disk & manual you copy)...........$__________
1 - 20 users ..................... $10 each
21 - 50 users ..................... $ 8 each
51 - 99 users ..................... $ 6 each
100+ users ..................... $ 5 each
Subtotal for merchandise...............................$__________
Shipments to Illinois addresses require sales tax......$__________
Shipping and handling charge (North America)...........$___4.00___
Outside North America, please add extra $4.00 shipping.$__________
Purchase order processing fee ($10)....................$__________
(Payments by check must be made in U.S. funds using a check payable
on a U.S. bank, made out to SSI. Purchase orders are accepted from
schools, businesses, and government agencies. Please add a $10
processing fee. MasterCard/Visa accepted, fill out authorization.)
I authorize SSI to charge software, tax, shipping and handling charges,
and other fees on this order form to the below-indicated credit card.
Check card type:
[ ] Mastercard
[ ] Visa Card Number: ______________________________
(Please print clearly)
_______________________________ Expiration date: ______________
Authorized signature Month/Year
License and Invoice
Computer Knowledge products are distributed as Shareware. Our US and
Canadian agent for shareware sales is Shareable Software International.
Basically, if you have not obtained your copy of this program directly
from Computer Knowledge or SSI, you have an evaluation copy. If you find
the program to be useful (you learned something) then you have an
obligation to pay for a license.
What You Get on Registration
The software version of DOS Summary you presently have is complete in
all respects. When you register you will receive:
- A new disk (this assures you have the most up-to-date version).
- A manual consisting of printed copies of the information screens
in this program plus additional command examples not in
shareware or registered DOS Summary software screens.
- A copy of the Qualitas program ASQ that Computer Knowledge has
permission to redistribute to our registered users. ASQ
examines your computer and provides useful information about
how memory is being used and allows you to identify potential
equipment conflicts. (Note: ASQ is distributed by Qualitas as
$0 Shareware and may be found on a number of bulletin board
systems around the world.)
- A selection of evaluation disk(s) published by Shareable
Software International (number and contents of these disks
varies and may be replaced with a catalog and discounts).
Single-user and multiple-user registrations provide the above for each
registration at prices indicated on the invoice.
A site-license registration is also available for volume users who can
duplicate the disk(s) and documentation at their site. A single master
disk and manual is provided for the fee indicated on the invoice.
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